Monday, November 19, 2012

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Dog Breed Foods to Praise And Avoid

How do you even begin to choose a food for your Cavalier King Charles Spaniel? There are so many brands of food, textures, and flavors. Cavalier's food affects his coat, health, and temperament. So how do you choose? You should feed your puppy enough of the proper food to meet his energy requirements. Amounts may vary depending on age, size, activity level, and health. I would recommend checking with your veterinarian to make sure the Cavalier is healthy. Some Cavaliers may have special dietary needs for specific problems. This information pertains to a healthy Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

Types of Dog Food:

" Dry: usually less expensive, contain the least amount of fat, but the most preservatives.

" Canned: made up of 60-70% water.

" Simi-moist: contain a great deal of sugar.

" Home made: use a balanced amount of meat and grain with a smaller amount of vegetables.

Stages of Development:

1. Puppy: at 6 weeks of age introduce solid foods, by 8 weeks - fully weaned onto solid puppy food.

2. Adult: at 10-12 months, when the dog has stopped growing - can give adult dog f fashion jackets online ood.

3. Senior: a change in lifestyle will occur in the dog such as exercising less, moves more slowly, and sleeps more, and starts to put on weight. This is a good time to change to senior dog food.

Choosing a Dog Food:

" Always check with your veterinarian before choosing a food. My veterinarian prefers dry food over semi-moist and canned because it is better for the Cavalier's teeth. For puppies, the dry food can be moistened with water.

" Pay attention to the ingredients listed on dog food.

" The higher the ingredient the more of that ingredient there is in the food.

" Meat proteins such as chicken, lamb, or beef should appear at the top of the list.

" Grains should be next on the list and vegetables last.

" Beware of labels that list corn at one of the top ingredients. Dogs do not digest it easily.


" Treats are a great way to reward you puppy and dog for good behavior.

" Treats are generally not as nutritious as regular food, so don't use too many.

" If you find yourself using a great deal of treats, try using the regular food as a treat.

" Treats should be soft in texture.

" Treats should be about the size of a large pea.


" All dogs require a great deal of water.

" You may want to limit the water for a puppy to specific times, such as once an hour on the hour, to help with potty training. Take the puppy to his potty place about 10 minutes after he drinks.

" Once the puppy is potty trained, fresh water should be left out for him at all times.

" Wash the bowel and give fresh water during the day.

Feeding Schedule:

" Puppies: Start with 3 feedings per day. As the puppy grows to be about 5-6 months old, you can gradually back the feeding down to 2 feedings per day.

" Take the puppy to his potty spot 10 minutes after he finishes eating.

" The amount of food you should feed at one time varies with the breed, age, and energy level of the dog. The label on the food bag or your veterinarian can give you an idea of the amount to feed per feeding.

Foods to Avoid:

" Chocolate

" Onions

" Dairy Products

" Bones from poultry and fish - tend to splinter, stick into their throat, or cut into their intestines.

" Grapes and raisons - have been linked to renal failure

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