In her new book, "Bassin With My Man: Our Times On & In the Water," Deborah Chelette-Wilson, counselor, family therapist, and life coach, writes about her experiences as part of a fishing couple, and as a woman fishing in a man's world.
"Bassin With My Man: Our Times On & In the Water" is by turns funny and thoughtful and offers insights on what it's like to be a "fisherperson." Many of the anecdotes offer safety tips, mainly in the vein of "what NOT to do."
It is estimated that 25 percent of the 34 million "fisherpeople" in the United States are women (Bratzel, John F. [2009] "Fishing and Women: New Developments and Trends").
Chelette-Wilson has experienced stumbling blocks in her enjoyment of the sport such as finding fishing clothing that fits a female body, but overall feels that 'the times they are a'changing.' "I think, like so many things that have been deemed 'male,' we keep learning that it isn't a matter of sex; it's a matter of wanting to learn, accepting the challenges of competition, and implementing what you've learned no matter your age or sex."
"Bass fishing is a great family sport. In both the clubs we fish we have several husband and wife teams who fish together and others who bring their children. In this day and age it is great to see a dad with his son or daughter out there fishing."
Chelette-Wilson did not grow up on or around the water, and was, for the most part, a stranger to the world of fishing until she married Jerry Wilson in 1981. On visits to his Northeast Texas home of Winnsboro his mom , Hazel, and stepdad, Cotton, eagerly began educating Chelette-Wilson in the art of catching, cleaning, and cooking fis women's jackets h.
After his retirement from the Army in 1994, Wilson and Chelette-Wilson moved to Winnsboro. In 2001, Wilson joined the Winnsboro Bass Club and soon asked his wife to join and fish with him. Although wary of boats and water after nearly drowning as a child, Chelette-Wilson agreed to try fishing as a means of enjoying time with her husband and time outdoors.
A 2003 boating accident on Lake Fork, Texas, caused Chelette-Wilson to reconsider her hobby, but she chose not to give in to her fears. This incident and others are detailed in her new book.
Chelette-Wilson found that fishing really appeals to her, "It gives me something totally different to do than my work, which can be intense, stressful and emotionally draining, especially the paperwork. It allows me uninterrupted time with Jerry and I get to be outside in nature, which is how I recharge myself."
There's more to fishing, though, than picking up a rod and reel. "Since I was a child I loved to learn," says Chelette-Wilson. "I've had many challenging experiences in my life that I have overcome, learned from, which helped me grow as a human being. Fishing is challenging because, even for those who have been fishing for years, there's still plenty to learn."
Fishermen and women undergoing their own journeys of self-discovery will find "Bassin With My Man: Our Times On & In the Water" entertaining, inspiring, and uplifting.
A life coach, parent coach, and family counselor, Deborah Chelette-Wilson is an expert in the field of human relations specializing in stress, trauma, attachment and relationships. To learn more or order a copy of "Bassin With My Man: Our Times On & In the Water," visit
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If you need more information or would like to schedule an interview with Deborah Chelette-Wilson, please contact Rashel Carnefix at (719) 445-9582 or email rcarnefix(at)hotmail(dot)com
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